Monday_Meals #4..How to recover from a crazy weekend?


Had a crazy weekend?

i don’t know about you guys but my weekends are normally full of unexpected events. These events involve sweet treats, fatty food, savory roasted meat..a drink or two. So during the week here i am eating healthy, drinking water and exercising…then the monster called  WEEKEND drops by and everything seems so delicious. For instance this weekend i was celebrating my birthday and yes..all the nasty foods were there..from fried potatoes to red fatty meat and to top it all a creamy 2kg cake..!!


Without thinking twice i ate like a pig from a 40 day fast! Does this happen to you? how often? How do you stop this trend? Any human being has a weak link in their lives and if food is one of your weak link,you will tend to go crazy and eat nasty food after a period of such great discipline.



Its hard to stay on track if you keep tempting yourself with all the wrong things. If you want to stop overindulgence stick to a certain amount of food you will be taking. Changing amounts gives allowance to eat more than you should and for those who drink  alcohol, without discipline, you can get faded. With time if the cycle of the weekend does not stop things will start looking somehow like this:


Therefore if you go HAM as people our age refer to having fun, think about your limits every individuals different and if you follow the wind things may get a little thick (LITERALLY)!

Forgive yourself, drink water, continue eating healthy and avoid going off track so much.It takes dedication and sacrifice to look something like this:


TransformationTuesday_edition 2


Today is yet another day to appreciate individuals who have transformed themselves to be the best version of who they are. It takes a lot of sacrifice, dedication and hard work to move from being who you used to be to who you want to be. Melissa Mativo a girl close to my heart took up the challenge of being the best she can be both physically and mentally. I dedicate this fateful day 20th August 2013 to acknowledge her efforts.

Below is her former self before she began this journey:


Although she was still as beautiful and as wonderful as she is now, she decided to make healthier choices in terms of the food she ate and the physical activities she did.

After several interactions with her she professed that it took a good 6months to notice a big change in her physique. What did she do over the six months?

  1. She gave up ALL junk food i mean ALL!!
  2. Went to the gym close to 1hr or 1and half hrs in a day.
  3. Stayed consistent and strong willed
  4. Reduced her intake of carbohydrates
  5. Drank colossal amounts of water.

Her efforts were not in vain because as i write this she is a whooping waist 26″  which relates to a size 6-8 from a size 14-16..:) amazing right?

of course she faced challenges on her fitness journey which she still faces today but she has no regrets:


after discipline and dedication here stands Melissa Mativo:




Melissa is the beautiful lady at the extreme right and is now fit, confident and working her new sexy slim figure!! 🙂

So if you think you cannot do a “Melissa” think again you can!!


Until next time:)



Often more than not, the first thing that locks in the mind on a bored afternoon is that bag of chips or slices of pizza lying in the fridge.

However, we never really understand why we grab food instead of a journal or novel to read?
Does our culture have anything to do with it..? Yes!
We have been raise in a world where
is this really how we want to live our lives?
Depending on food like its our psychologist?
To add salt to the injury, no form of physical activity is followed after downing those greasy french fries an hour after a box of cookies.
We lie in a generation where food is percieved as a life line and we have to change that before it is too late.
So before grabbing the next bag of chips..take a glass of or visit a friend.


#MealsMonday_How often should you eat?


We all have theories, traditions, misconceptions on how often we should eat.


First things first you must understand your biological clock.
Have you ever felt hungry at like midnight and wanted to devour the left over grilled chicken.? Yet you had diner? ;). Thats your body talking to you. Understand how often it yearns to eat. Then from there you can start training it to eat at specific times.

Most fitness trainors and advisers suggest we eat at least 6 times a day…:D
I know this may be surprising to some of you. However, by six times it does not imply 2 burgers and a large bag of fries every meal or a large plate of rice and meat. It involves small moderate amount of food. Even a banana can be part of the meals.

Therefore by eating small portions of food at least 6 times a day one will reduce overeating at one particular meal. Its all about the moderation.
For some people they believe that for them to stay lean they should only eat one meal. THIS IS WRONG√∨. Why? because deprivation leads to over -endulgence at one point or another. You literally lose it..and eat like a maniac. Plus if you workout daily you will luck energy to pull through the cardio or weight lifting.


Additionally, avoid eating your boredom away. If need be eat healthy snacks like carrots or pinapple with some watermelons and avoind th savoury bag of poataoe chips and soda. Sometimes we confuse thirst with hunger. Our mind gets confused and lets us believe we are hungry when we really are just thirsty.So have that bottle of water with you and drink some water before grabbing that food.

However, bottom line is know what works for you and avoid overeating or undereating.
Till tomorrow..:)




This has got to be my most favourite day..I love working out! The reason is because

There is a myth that people have that you must have a valid reason to work out..!wrong! Working out is for everyone and anyone, It creates a part of you
√ That learns how to push through tough time.

√ Builds both a great internal and external body.

√ Clears your mind.

√ Increases your discipline and commitment in other things in life..I cant even explain how great this tool called “Working out”

Getting started with working out
#1 Get the right gear


#2 have the right attitude

#3 Do it with some one…or maybe alone if you are too shy..

#4 Make time for it, not excuses

#5 GET IT DONE..! 🙂


I hope you get inspired and work out to create a healthier and terrific person that you have always been..:)




Greetings everyone:)
In life one thing I noted is that you can move from good to great and from mediocrity to excellence…today is the day I pick people who have transformed their lives through fitness and healthy lifestyles…

I bumped across this…and good heavens!!!..she looks like serious fitspo…! Too damn awesome that is a product of
Another inspiring transformation is as follows.

Well..does she look familiar to all of you…?? Yes..I believe she does…”That’s so Raven!” Correct√ She joined this wonderful family of fitspo and through trusting the process of
working out
Eating healthy
Drinking water
She is now strutting the red carpets like a BOSS!
So dont sit back there do mothing about ur fitness transfor yourself be Lion dont settle for domestic cats..!





Well today I would like to clear the air about two things EATING HEALTHY vs FAD DIET.


So really whats the difference??
According to most people eating healthy is being on a diet right?
But that’s a ”Misconception” to justify this I will give you features of eating can be summarised as follows.


Yes..that’s it!!.it involves excluding things that cause harm and damage to your body and more so weight gain in some people.

On the other hand, a fad diet is a short term and for a particular purpose say for Kim Kardarshian to lose the baby weight she can be put on a diet…:). Eating healthy on the other hand is a long term commitment..its a “lifestyle” and therefore it has no expiry period.

However, diet could also mean what you eat on a daily your daily menu and in this case you should ensure your diet is clean.


I will dwell on eating clean one of the mondays to come.
But bottom line is eating healthy is not a two month fad diet even it involves moderation rather than deprivation.


Well I hope its clear now…:)
