

Well today I would like to clear the air about two things EATING HEALTHY vs FAD DIET.


So really whats the difference??
According to most people eating healthy is being on a diet right?
But that’s a ”Misconception” to justify this I will give you features of eating healthy..it can be summarised as follows.


Yes..that’s it!!.it involves excluding things that cause harm and damage to your body and more so weight gain in some people.

On the other hand, a fad diet is a short term and for a particular purpose say for Kim Kardarshian to lose the baby weight she can be put on a diet…:). Eating healthy on the other hand is a long term commitment..its a “lifestyle” and therefore it has no expiry period.

However, diet could also mean what you eat on a daily basis..like your daily menu and in this case you should ensure your diet is clean.


I will dwell on eating clean one of the mondays to come.
But bottom line is eating healthy is not a two month fad diet even it involves moderation rather than deprivation.


Well I hope its clear now…:)


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